Writing Tips

Writing Tip: Scrap Your Work . . .

Yup, this one kind of sucks.

But before you just start dumping all of your work in the trash can or incinerator, read what I have to say.

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“Scrap Your Work When Necessary.

As you all know, I am typing away furiously each and every day in the attempt to finish my 75,000 word manuscript for The Agency Games by May 31st. That means that every word counts. Just this week however I had to scrap entire chapter… over 4,000 words…


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Let’s just say, that was not easy, but after giving it to a trusted Beta-reader, I had no choice. The chapter was attempting to discuss both Haymitch and Cinna at the same time and my Beta-reader just ended up more confused than enlightened. Not the response I was looking for. So, it had to go.

And guess what. I’m re-writing those characters into two separate chapters and I’ve already received some positive feedback from the same Beta-reader.

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Writing is hard and scrapping your own work can really suck, but it can also be necessary. So don’t be afraid to toss those sentences, paragraphs, pages, and yes, even chapters!

Happy Writing Everyone!



© KaylaAnn and KaylaAnnAuthor.wordpress.com, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KaylaAnn and KaylaAnnAuthor.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

18 thoughts on “Writing Tip: Scrap Your Work . . .”

  1. I’m facing the process of scrapping the first chapter of my latest Mac McClellan mystery. There’s nothing “wrong” with it per say, but it just doesn’t “click” for me. I’ll probably finish the manuscript before going back and striking number one, but it has to be done. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am right there with you my friend! On one hand, we want to find a way to keep the words, because we worked so hard, but your manuscript will probably be better off for it just like mine is. What is your mystery about?

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  2. One of my writing acquaintances once said that for every 200 pages he writes, he ends up with two sentences he can use. An extreme example, maybe, but I’ve since kept it as a yardstick. 🙂

    Also, um, hi! Ended here through Richie Billing’s blog! A very nice post, on a topic far from usual. 🙂 Without a beta-reader or an equivalent, though, do you ever have those moments that you come upon the decision by yourself? Like, you’re just going over what you wrote, and you think, “Well, this goes down the garbage chute, now.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Alice! It’s great to meet you, I’m glad you stopped on by. And wow, that does seem extreme and yet, at the same time, pretty accurate lol.

      Yes, actually. This just happened yesterday. I was 6 pages into a chapter when I realized that it just was NOT working. It wasn’t flowing and every sentence felt awkward and insincere. So, I scrapped it. I opened up a new document and started again with a blank page. Some of the stuff from the original made it over in a new and improved form, but a lot of it was just recycled.

      Are you a writer also?


      1. Thanks, Kayla! And thanks for the follow, too! 🙂

        How does that feel to you? I mean, does it ever get easier? I’m asking because, when I was a lot younger, I used to fear having to scrap anything – anything at all – and dreaded that my computer would crash and I’d lose even just a bit of writing. But once I got more experienced, I’m more like… well… if it goes, it goes. I probably got like this after I read Master & Margarita. 😀

        …so, um, yes, I’m a writer. 🙂

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        1. Welcome! I love to follow back writers and learn more about them.

          It’s sucks. It sucks every single time, no doubt about that because those are my words, those are my babies that I created and now have to discard. However, no matter how much it sucks, every time that I decided to scrap work and start over, it is worth it. I have never scrapped my work, re-written and thought “gee, this is worse than the original.” Every time that I scrap and re-write I know I made the right decision which helps me to make this decision again when necessary.

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