Safer-at-Home: All of CA ordered to remain home . . .

It’s official. As of last night, our governor ordered that all Californians stay at home. We are only allowed to leave for essential purposes: getting groceries, gas, going by the bank, picking up prescriptions.

I’m in a state of shock to be honest. Even though I had a feeling that this was coming, nothing compares to it actually happening. I’m an anxious person by nature… it’s something I struggle with every day and lately it’s been more than I can take. When I heard the announcement, I nearly passed out because all I could think is, “What will happen next? How much worse will this get?”

But God’s timing is good. Just after our Governor made that announcement, Sandals church went live with their pre-planned night of worship and prayer:

Night of Prayer

I’m not gonna say I was healed of all my anxiety, but I can tell you that the crippling fear that held me down, that suffocated me, that incapacitated me was lessened to the point where I could get up. I could focus on the positive. I could begin to plan for my “new normal.” I could pray and worship.

Are you feeling incapacitated by fear? By anxiety? Please watch the video above and let’s talk about our shared fear and our hope that is in Jesus Christ.


Coronavirus & Online Instructions

Hey guys . . .

Anyone else feel like the world has been flipped upside down and turned inside out? In a matter of just days, everything changed. The last week has been, I don’t even know how to say it, a memorable experience.

Here in California, we have done our best to keep our schools open as long as possible. As of last Friday, that was no longer possible and schools were ordered to be shut down until April 3rd. As of yesterday, schools are ordered to remain closed until April 30th with a high chance of not reopening again until next Fall.

Image result for teachers break downcovid19

Unlike many other public schools in CA, the private school that I work for has re-directed all instruction to be continued online instead of cancelled entirely and I am beyond grateful for this for multiple reasons. Selfishly, I am grateful that I still have my job, my income, and my connection with my kiddos. Thinking of my students, I am grateful that they will have this online portal. It will become a place for them interact with their teachers, each other, and give them focus during the weeks in isolation.

That being said, we’ve gone through 48 hours of intense online training and while I feel more adept at it than 48 hours ago, I know I still have so much to learn!

Any online teachers out there who can offer me some new ways to engage with my students with education, connection, and FUN in mind?!