Safer-at-Home: All of CA ordered to remain home . . .

It’s official. As of last night, our governor ordered that all Californians stay at home. We are only allowed to leave for essential purposes: getting groceries, gas, going by the bank, picking up prescriptions.

I’m in a state of shock to be honest. Even though I had a feeling that this was coming, nothing compares to it actually happening. I’m an anxious person by nature… it’s something I struggle with every day and lately it’s been more than I can take. When I heard the announcement, I nearly passed out because all I could think is, “What will happen next? How much worse will this get?”

But God’s timing is good. Just after our Governor made that announcement, Sandals church went live with their pre-planned night of worship and prayer:

Night of Prayer

I’m not gonna say I was healed of all my anxiety, but I can tell you that the crippling fear that held me down, that suffocated me, that incapacitated me was lessened to the point where I could get up. I could focus on the positive. I could begin to plan for my “new normal.” I could pray and worship.

Are you feeling incapacitated by fear? By anxiety? Please watch the video above and let’s talk about our shared fear and our hope that is in Jesus Christ.

32 thoughts on “Safer-at-Home: All of CA ordered to remain home . . .”

              1. You’re welcome. #IndieApril was a big one last month. Another is #ShamelessSelfpromoSaturday (Sunday has a similar one). Also, WordPress has a setting where when someone shares your pages/posts on Twitter, it’ll automatically include your Twitter ID so people can find your account.

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  1. We haven’t quite gotten to that point. But most all city run businesses are closed, like the library and athletic center. Although, I’m happy the library is still letting us utilize the drive through window. Schools are closed through at least April 3rd, so my girls’ dance studio is also closed and their recital got rescheduled. We are happy they were able to reschedule, but instead of being able to have two performances like usual, they only get to do one, so they are kind of sad. (So am I!). The preschool I work for is also closed, and I don’t know if we are going to get paid. Being a single mom, that’s got me a little nervous. Over all though, I’m glad they are trying to slow this virus down.

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      1. Hey there! Texas is eager to reopen apparently. 🙄
        Schools are remaining closed for this school year, which includes my preschool. (Fortunately we’re still getting paid!). But restaurants have reopened at 25% capacity. Hair salons and nail salons are back open. Gyms open Monday at 25% capacity. Everything seems to be shifting back to the way it was, which honestly concerns me. If people aren’t cautious, I’m sure there will be a spike in cases.
        Our dance studio is being very cautious though, which I’m grateful for. The girls are having an online recital week after next and then if things are going well in June, they will maybe get to do a very small live performance with a limited audience. I like that they are playing it safe to keep the kids safe. How about where you are?

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        1. I’ve heard about that in Texas. I’m in CA so we’re pretty much still on lockdown although there are numerous counties outright rebelling against the restrictions. I find myself smack dab in the middle of all this. I believe that COVID is real and dangerous. We were absolutely right to shut everything down at first because we didn’t know what we were dealing with. We saved lives through those actions. Yet, at the same time, quarantine has cause a rise in anxiety, depression, suicides, families are losing their homes and unable to feed themselves because they haven’t worked since March. I pray our political leaders can put aside their differences, and find a way to reopen the economy sooner rather than later and safely rather than without any guidelines. It’s a crazy world we’re living in.

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          1. I feel torn as well. Weird thing is, I have friends in different parts of the world talking about how well their governments are meeting the needs of the people. Everyone is being looked after if they are unemployed. No one has lost health insurance. It’s just a shame our government spends more time arguing than they do taking care of the people. Hopefully that will change. 💙

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  2. Hi, KaylaAnn! I hope you are well and safe. We’re going through the same thing where I’m at too. I understand your fear and anxiousness. Unfortunately, we can’t do much, except for stay in doors and practice safe hygiene. There is no telling what might happen in the future, but I’m glad to see so many people cooperating doing the best they can during these difficult times. Stay safe!

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