Blogs / Life

Can We Support Both?

Let me begin today’s post by stating upfront: I absolutely condemn the actions taken against George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbey, and many more members of the African American community. These actions taken by evil men cannot go ignored. As a world, we have come face-to-face with the reality that evil, sin, still exist in our world today. Violence against any person due to their race is evil. The protests that we are seeing lately is the world’s response to try and fight that evil.

I, myself, am proud of the protest in my home town that happened two days ago. Protestors took to the streets in thousands, police officers took a knee with the protestors, and once the curfew time had past, officers asked the protestors to move along. MOST did. An hour past curfew, the police officers and remaining mix of honest protestors and dishonest instigators had a couple of tense moments, but then everyone dispursed in an orderly manner. Only a couple of stores had attempted looting. This was a win for our city and for the movement!

However, as we have seen on the news, this is not the case everywhere. I did not post this yesterday because it was # blackouttuesday and I did not want to deter from the focus on the African American community on any of my social platforms. However, I want to elaborate on my stance today.

I support the protests. However, I also condemn the violent actions that have increased against police officers and innocent bystanders (of all races) in the last week alone. Police officers and store owners, who had no immediate connection to these injustices done against the African American community, are being beaten bloody, dragged through the streets, ran over with cars, and shot. A retired African American Police Captain, David Dorn, was murdered by a rioter/looter as Dorn tried to protect a store front. Dorn was shot and left to bleed out on the concrete. This is not equality.

Do all protestors act this way? Definitely not! Not even the majority! There is a huge difference between most protestors and rioters/instigators. That is why I do not blame the protestors as a whole for these actions, I condemn the rioters and the violent instigators as individuals and hope that they alone will face justice for their actions. I also hope that the nation will not judge the majority of the protestors based on the actions of violent individuals.

But in the same train of thought. Do all police officers act as Derek Chauvin do? Definitely not! Not even the majority. That is why I cannot understand when people hold up the “f*** All Police!” signs at protests. I do not blame the police department as a whole, but I DO condemn the individual officers for their actions and hope that they will face justice. I also hope that the nation will not judge the majority of police officers based on the actions of racist individuals.

There are evil police officers and there are evil rioters, both of whom who seek control and destruction. Neither are okay. However, there are also good police officers and good protestors, both of whom strive toward the same goal. It seems that all the good protestors/police members are being looked over because they do not get as many views as the bad.

As a white person, I know that I am not in a place to understand what an African American person feels on a daily basis. I do not pretend otherwise. I can only do my best to listen to the dialogue that is going on around me. My heart hurts for those who live in fear. It is not right. It should not be this way.

The biggest question on my heart is this:

Can we be allies to both African American people and good police officers?

Black lives do matter. Something needs to change where African American people can feel safe in all communities. 

Police Officers matter. The whole should not be condemned because of evil individuals. 

In our desire to gain justice and equality for the African American community, can we not also be careful to not tear down another group based on their outside perception? Just because they wear “blue” does not make them all the same. I condemn racism in all its forms. So, I will continue to condemn and protest publically against the discrimination the African American community faces. I will also condemn the violent actions taken against police officers and bystanders of all races who are being assaulted during the riots.

I stand against evil. I stand for equality.

To all the protestors out there, I pray that you stay safe. I pray that your work brings about awareness and a better world where both African Americans and police officers view each other as allies in the fight against racism.

Police officers kneel to pray with George Floyd protesters ...

Demonstrators fill downtown Riverside - Los Angeles Times

Police officers are joining protesters for prayers and hugs in ...

John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

30 thoughts on “Can We Support Both?”

    1. Thank you, Janet. My whole goal for this very complicated post is for us to remember that there are good and bad humans, but one does not represent the whole on either end of the spectrum. We will never find peace or equality until we understand that.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Everyone is commenting that this post is so great… its actually kind of ignorant. Yes on both sides of the equation there are good and bad people, but to suggest we support both is where your ignorance shines forth.
        Kayla, if you want real equality, you have to stand for justice. As a black man, I was raised to have great respect for law enforcement. But it is unjust to kill unarmed men, women, and children and then say, “I feared for my life.” Those cops get to hide behind their badge and gun, and even if the deceased was in the wrong, the world will never know because they are dead.
        You as someone with privilege have to be willing to sit, listen, HEAR, and educate yourself on what it is to be brown in a society that was never meant for you. That’s how we begin to work towards equality. We black folks know that there are more good cops than bad–but when the bad act out, the screw it up for the good. And the same is true of us black folks. There are many of us with degrees, two parent homes, good/decent jobs, law abiding etc etc… but a few bad apples taint the rest.
        With respect, educate yourself, ask those hard questions, read our books, listen to our music, walk through our communities. You want peace and equality? Start there.


        1. Hi Charlie. Thank you for commenting as I do want to listen to other opinions.
          If I can address a few things, you say, “But it is unjust to kill unarmed men…Those cops get to hide behind their badge and gun, and even if the deceased was in the wrong, the world will never know because they are dead.”
          I agree with you and I apologize if this post did not make that clear. I 100% agree that there IS injustice and corruption and it needs to be stopped.
          I do not support corrupt cops, but, let me ask you, are you saying we cannot support good cops either?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. We can support them, but indont think supporting them in the wake of injustice is fair to the victim. I’m all for supporting and encouraging the work of great police officers- just not now. Now is the time for the oppressed voices ought to be heard

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            1. If I can… when all this first began, I did not say much about our officers. I only mourned along with the rest of the world (on different social media and personally with family and friends). I have had multiple conversations about racism every single day since the majority of this started (which I think is a good thing, it’s the point of these protests right, to make people aware so that they discuss so that things change for the better?)
              Anyway; sorry, got off track. I agree that now is the time for the oppressed voices to be heard. That is why I tried to make it apparent that there is a difference between protestors and rioters. The protestors have every right to be doing what they are doing.
              At the same time, as ALL police officers become lumped together into one large mass of evil, it is unfair for me to remain silent against their injustice as well as it continues to grow. Every day, I see more hatred against ALL officers (as a whole not against the individuals).
              Great police officers are being persecuted because of what the evil ones have done. If I really support them, I want to support the good ones when they need me to support them. Plus if we are speaking about what is fair to the victim (there are unfortunately too many, but if you are speaking about Floyd’s family, I believe they have spoken out against the violence lately too? I might need to double check that).
              There is too much hatred in the world and I want to speak out against the greatest sources of hatred that are currently happening in my society. I’m not saying that the police are facing the same oppression as the African American community, that would be ignorant and wrong; but I believe that one life taken on either side is one life too many.


              1. I can admit that your point is exceptionally valid. I do not condone, nor in any way support the hatred of the police… I do wonder if what is deemed as hatred is actually fear

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Charlie, can I first just say, thank you! I love that we are having this conversation and it is just that, a conversation without an argument or insults! This is soooooooo refreshing.

                  Also, I think that there is a LOT of fear involved when it comes to those who want justice, equality, and peace. That fear is shown by those who march, who protest against the corrupt police. Unfortunately, I have also seen straight out hatred. In another “conversation” I was told that ALL officers are pigs and there is no such thing as a good cop and to “F*** ALL Police”. I cannot help but to believe that that comes from a place of hatred.

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                  1. To be honest, some of that isn’t even hatred it’s just flat out immaturity. I once worked with an individual who said he hated cops but sold drugs….
                    I too am enjoying our conversation, I’m tired of the arguing and screaming. If we want change, it begins with civil discourse, an open and understanding heart, and humility.

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                    1. You know, Charlie, that’s something my sister-in-law and I were actually discussing. There’s a lot of immature (they might call it “passionate”) voices that are unfortunately doing more harm to this cause then good.

                      100% Charlie, thank you for weighing in on this conversation in a manner that we could just talk as people. Also, I just want you to know, I love African American literature. I took three semesters worth in college, reading over 25 books. Some of them were so hard to get through becuase of the evil that happened, but they were a way for me to view a society different than mine and to bring more understanding. Some of my favorite books include “Kindred” by Octavia Butler, “Clotel” by William Wells Brown, and “Their Eyes Were Watching God” by Zora Neale Hurston. Do you have any African American literature you would recommend?


                    2. The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B Dubois, poetry by Langston Hughes and Mya Angelou, I’m actually working through a book called The 100 Best African American Poems. For all of the African American courses I’ve taken, I’m having a tough time recalling literature I have read. Some of the books I do own I’ve packed away, so I may have to dig lol

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. Thank you! I’ll have to look into these.

                      I know what you mean! Just a few days ago, I unpacked all the literature from those courses; I plan on making my way back through some of them this summer.

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  1. I completely agree. I heard one of the protestors say: “We’re trying to send a message but we are going about it the wrong way.” PRECISELY!
    If you loot stores and set them on fire, how do you expect the rest of us to treat you with respect and listen to what you have to say?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly, this is a conversation that I keep having with people. We cannot look at the minority (in any group of people) that is violent and judge the whole (protestors or officers) based off of them. Their (corrupt officers and violent rioters) actions are wrong, and discredit what the majority of the groups (good officers and peaceful protestors) are trying to accomplish.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well said. I think people are forgetting the difference between protesters (peaceful) and rioters (violent/looting). They are being lumped together and that isn’t fair to this cause or any cause.
    Protesters are exhibiting their rights as Americans. Rioters are made of angry people who are jumping on a band wagon, pretending to have a reason for their violence or looting.
    It’s sad. Very sad.
    Thank you for your post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly. The majority or protestors and police officers are there for the right reasons but it’s the rioters and the corrupt officers that seem to get the most media exposure which furthers divisions. It’s a broken world, but I just hope we can focus on the unity that we are striving for as human beings.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there and welcome to my blog 🙂 I appreciate your kind words. The world is filled with so much hatred, I want to do my part to walk away from that language and rhetoric, but I understand it’s a complex and highly charged topic. How are you holding up with this?


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