Blogs / Life

Do you have any Disney questions??

I am going back to Disneyland and I am so excited! You all seemed to enjoy my last Disney post and I am planning another one, but in planning it, I am asking:

  • What do you want to know?
  • What are you curious about?
  • Challenge my Disney knowledge and send me on a journey to discover new secrets!

Comment with your questions and I’ll do my best to either research the answers or discover them while there!

Also, would anyone be interested in me live videoing while on rides or finding Christmas treats?

In order to watch live events, be sure to go to my home page, click my Instagram page, and hit follow!

Thank you again everyone for your continued support!

31 thoughts on “Do you have any Disney questions??”

    1. Awesome! I’m hoping to find some holiday-themed topics to write about! Would you be interested in watching live streams if I were to discover any? (Trying to see if this is something my followers would be interested in now or in the future)


        1. Hmmmmm, so far the only way I know how to go live is through my Instagram page. I have the Instagram page on my home screen so people could watch there. I’ll add that in the above post, thanks for the suggestion! Would that work for you?


  1. Cool!

    Ok. Questions. Hmm….

    1. When will I ever get a chance to visit Disneyland?
    2. Are there really hidden Mickeys at Disneyland? If so, how many have you noticed?
    3. What ride have never been on?
    4. What are some must have souvenirs?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 1. Hopefully soon! If you ever do let me know and I’ll try to show you around!
      2. Yes, there are! I’ll do my best to get some pictures of them to show you!
      3. I may not like them all, but I’m pretty sure I’ve been on every ride at least once
      4. There are a lot of wonderful souvenirs, but they can get pretty expensive! I’ll look around and see what’s the best they have right now! I always lean more toward clothes because I can wear them repeatedly or pins. For awhile, I was an avid pin collector and trader!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 1. Ok!
        2. Awesome!
        3. I’m asking like I’ll ride any. Well, I might go on the tea cup one or one not too far off the ground. I’m afraid of heights.
        4. That makes sense.

        Can’t wait to read your post. Have fun at Disneyland!! o(^O^)o

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The tea cups is fun as long as you can handle your equilibrium being thrown lol, so that’s a hard one for me. Thunder mountain is an awesome roller coaster with no crazy heights!
          Thank you! I should have fun!
          Oh, were you interested in live videos?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I’ve never done a livestream before. I wouldn’t mind it, but wouldn’t you be missing out on some moments if your attention is divided between your phone screen and the actual moment?

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            1. Some things I’ve experienced before and would like to share with others. It would be a balance that’s for sure, sharing some awesome moments with others and perhaps keeping some for myself 🙂 thanks for reminding me to do that! 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  2. I hope you have the most wonderful time!! We went to Disneyworld when I was in 4th grade, so sadly I can’t hardly remember any of it, but I’d love to revisit and then one day visit Disneyland 🙂 Hmm, 1. How vastly does it differ from Disneyworld? 2. I’d love to see live videoing while you’re there! But only after you’ve gotten to take the time and enjoy it for yourself ❤︎ 3. While this isn’t necessarily applicable to your trip, do you think Disneyworld or land would make a good honeymoon spot? Or too racous and crowded? Thank you!

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