Blogs / Life, Writing Tips

Highlighting “Rejection” Day 1: KaylaAnn

Hello there friends!

As many of you are aware, I finished up my latest round of The Agency Games last week and I was feeling pretty good about myself. That is, until I got the rejection letter from another publishing company that I had submitted my children’s series to a couple months back. They responded,

We have read and reviewed it with care, but we’re sorry to say that it doesn’t seem quite right for our list. We appreciate the opportunity to read your work, however, and wish you good luck in finding the right home for this project.

Overall, it’s not actually a horrible rejection letter. It is kind and considerate, and while I may wish they had told me why the book was not the right fit, I appreciated their encouragement to try again elsewhere.

Now, you may be wondering, why am I highlighting my failures online for everyone to see? The answer is simple really:

I believe in presenting my authentic self, every time.

And honestly, I refuse to see a rejection letter as a “failure.” Lately, I have been blessed enough to be able to focus and celebrate my accomplishments, but I am a writer, and our lives are definitely not only made up of achievements. The life of a writer is overflowing with feedback and most of it is not going to be positive (not if you’re allowing yourself to be vulnerable). There is going to be negative feedback, hurtful criticism, and yes, enough rejection letters to plaster your office walls.

So what? That does not mean that we stop writing. It means that we sit our butts back down in our writing chair, we open our computers, and we go to work.

This week, in honor of my latest rejection letter, I am going to post up a new famous author every day who went through multiple rejections on their way to becoming successful. Are you a writer? Have you received that rejection letter? You are not alone! Stop by my blog each day this week to read about how all the “great” authors have stood exactly where you stand now with rejection letters in hand.

My hope is this, that as a writing community we will not equate “rejection” with “failure.”

Image result for writing rejection


© KaylaAnn and, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KaylaAnn and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

30 thoughts on “Highlighting “Rejection” Day 1: KaylaAnn”

  1. Someone WILL publish your work sooner or later. We thank you for showing us that good work can be rejected too. It just takes time to get someone to really READ our manuscripts without moving on to the next one after three minutes.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Arr matey, I feel like you is reading me emails. I has gotten 2 rejections this week with they same lingo. Yer attitude it be more adult (and better) than mine (I thinks on posting them some eyes of newt). I be remembering it next time I be getting me a rejection.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I don’t mind getting rejections either (it’s better than silence), but I also hate that they generally never tell you anything constructive or something you can learn from. Looking forward to the rest of the quotes you’ll be posting. Good luck with your future submissions 😊.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there K.M. Allan! I agree with you, I think the lack of constructive feedback is the hardest part about rejection letters because we are left to guess why it was not the right fit. I hope you enjoy the rest of this week’s focus on rejection, thank you for your support!

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      1. Yes, and that guessing (at least in my case) always makes me think the whole submission must be terrible. That’s probably not true, but hard to forget when you’re reading a rejection that tells you nothing except they didn’t want it.

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  4. Don’t give up. Writing, like fine art, is in the eye of beholder/reader. They probably have a criterion for what’s currently trending and your book doesn’t fit in. That doesn’t mean the book isn’t appealing or worthy. Good luck!

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  5. It’s like the lottery… You can’t win if you don’t play. You have taught me so much KaylaAnn, including never giving up abd how what may be trash to one editor/publication will be treasure to anither. You are so supportive, encouraging abd inspirational to all of us. You took this old beginning poet as your friend, encouraging and critiquing me and have guided me. I have learned so much and am so grateful to you. I recently watched the movie “Sylvia”, about Sylvia Plath, and I love her quote that you posted. You are an amazing young woman KaylaAnn, and it is an honor to be your friend. ☺

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