Writing Tips

Writing Tip: Let’s set some Deadlines!

Give yourself Deadlines and here’s the important thing… stick to them!

Deadlines are SO important, if you do not set realistic goals for yourself, you will find yourself falling behind. When setting deadlines, you are motivating yourself to accomplish small and attainable goals. There are two major premises to making deadlines work for you.

1. You need to have someone to keep you accountable.
Deadlines are great and all, but only if you have someone to be accountable to; if you are only accountable to yourself you are more likely to miss a deadline. It’s kind of like working out at the gym, you are more likely to meet your goals if you go with someone. So here’s some options: Find a friend or family member (who you trust) who would enjoy reading your stuff. Not only will it help you keep your deadlines but they might also give you some great feedback! If you don’t want to share your work quite yet, join a writing community where you can ask for encouragement in meeting your set deadlines.

2. You need to set REALISTIC goals.
This one is SO key. Do not set unattainable goals. When you set a goal that is practically impossible, it will be no surprise when you do fail and then you are only discouraged. Be kind to yourself and set realistic goals such as a certain amount of words per day, a certain amount of pages per week (even if it’s one page), or in my case, a chapter a month. By setting realistic deadlines you increase your probability of achieving your goals which will results in more self-esteem and motivation.

And so that you know you are not alone, here is my deadline. I plan on posting at least 5 times a week. I also plan on sharing regular updates about the length of my book and what length I should be at. And I’m asking all of my followers to keep me accountable. If you start to notice the inactivity on my page, keep me accountable and remind me to meet my deadlines!

*If you enjoyed today’s Writing Tip be sure to check out additional tips under the “Writing Tips” category on my home menu!

What deadlines do YOU plan to set this week?

For this week I would really love to finish my rough draft on Peeta’s chapter!

Happy Writing Everyone!



24 thoughts on “Writing Tip: Let’s set some Deadlines!”

  1. Thank you, for the tip Kayla Ann. How are you on this cold January Monday?

    I thought about making deadlines for myself, but like you said, I was accountable for myself and I did miss them when I started out. I gave up on them. So, for the writing on my blog, like say for my chapter stories, I like to write have a word count of 2,500 or more.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s great! I’m glad. 😀

        My day started out nice, but went downhill soon after. I’m reading “Hoot” by Carl Hiaasen to make myself feel better. It’s a pretty funny book. Have you read it yet?

        Yep. Chapter 13 for “Tribute” is up. 🙂

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          1. The book is about three middle schoolers saving a few owls. It’s for children, but the character’s are so wacky that I don’t mind it at all.

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  2. I know I say this about all your posts lol, but love love LOVED this!! Writing has been on my mind full-force as of late (how to fit it in to my school schedule, how much I want to get done daily or weekly, where I envision my writing going, etc.), and so I gratefully receive any tips you share ❤︎ I’m actually really glad you shared this today, because in my most recent post I left a question for anyone to answer, and I think you might just be able to help, with your increased knowledge over mine. (I would retype it here, but it’s pretty lengthy lol) If you get time to respond, I would really love it, but if not I totally relate to the busy schedule! Have a great evening Kayla Ann 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome! I’ve missed your kind words and positivity lately, but I know you are diving into a beautiful new chapter of your life and I’m excited for you 🙂 I absolutely love your tips, and I can’t thank you enough for them! While I feel like I live and breathe the written word at times, I don’t know as much as I would like to about the entire institute, and as such can feel unqualified to pursue writing so much. Your tips combined with my practice have really inspired my writing confidence ❤︎

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you so much! I swear, your comments always make my day brighten up! It has been busy here but I hope to keep up with the blogging community as well! Never think you are unqualified! Shakespeare hardly did anything by the book and yet we look at him as a great role model! It’s important to learn but important to grow too 🙂 I’m so glad that my tips have helped you! Happy Writing!


          1. You’re welcome!! That’s my goal and I’m thrilled to hear that they do 😊❤ As they say, it’s all about balance! Thank you, it’s hard not to at times, but I chase the thoughts away with the comfort of knowing these are my writing dreams for a reason! I wish you the best, in writing and life!

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  3. Great post. My deadlines this week are to take care of and feed our animals. They come first, even before myself. That might not be a writer’s deadline, but it’s mine. ☺💛🐕🐶🐴

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  4. Such great advice! I’m witting a novel and it’s been taking me longer than I expected. I’m trying to stick to my deadlines. I’ll admit sometimes I don’t, but I’m getting better. Glad I ran into this post (:

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