Writing Tips

Writing Tip: Beware the Dreaded Distraction

Now this one is probably going to work directly against me since I am about to direct your gaze off of my page; however, this tip will work directly FOR you (which is the purpose of these tips), but be sure to read the whole think and “like”/comment before you sign off!

In our day, technology is a wonderful, magnificent part of life. With just a few clicks we can access a world of information, speak to friends across the country, and learn more about our colleagues than any high school reunion could accomplish. We can also join groups and promote our own work. As writers, and hopeful published authors, social media is a blessing through which we can market directly to our targeted audience. So don’t get me wrong, social media has a LOT of positive attributes.

However, social media can also be DETRIMENTAL for your writing. Let’s be honest, writing on its own is already difficult, but when we add in distractions writing becomes nearly impossible. How common is it for us to be writing and all the sudden our phone lights up. We think, “I’ll be quick. This will just take a second to check.” Well before we know it, we’re twelve cat videos in watching a bride stumble into a pool and wondering how we got so far away from our writing.

fail best man GIF

So here’s the tip. Do your best to limit your distractions. Now I’m not saying to go off the grid and work in a bunker until you have finished your novel. What I am saying is this: when you set aside time for writing turn your phone on silent. Or if you really can’t help yourself, turn your phone on airplane mode so that no notifications come through to distract you. When that temptation to check your phone “real quick” rises, do your best to squash it. Those notifications, dog videos, and clowns will still be there later.

So today I encourage you to click LIKE, perhaps leave a comment, and then sign out, log off, or whatever else it is called and dedicate some distraction-free time to your writing.

*If you enjoyed today’s Writing Tip be sure to check out additional tips under the “Writing Tips” category on my home menu!

Happy Writing Everyone!

Get to your writing! 🙂

***If you enjoyed today’s Writing Tip, be sure to check out more tips under the “Writing Tip” section on my home page (after you’ve finished your writing time of course)***




© KaylaAnn and KaylaAnnAuthor.wordpress.com, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KaylaAnn and KaylaAnnAuthor.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.