Blogmas 2019

How To: Blogmas

It’s December 1st, and you all know what that means!

It’s Blogmas Time, Baby!

Image result for christmas two types of people

I think you can guess which of the above I am! (Hint: I started listening to Christmas music the day after Halloween! Don’t hate, there is no such thing as Thanksgiving music)

I’ll freely admit it, I am a holiday-focused kind of person. I love celebrating and decorating and getting together with friends and family. In particular, I love Christmas, I love the cooler weather, the hot chocolate, Christmas carols, celebrating Jesus’s birth, and more. One of the fun blogging ways to revel in the Christmas spirit is through Blogmas!

“What is Blogmas?” You ask.

Blogmas is when bloggers of all topics (writing, health, fashion, travel, etc.) transform the focus of their blogs to reflect the holiday season. Some of these topics can include: Favorite Christmas Carols, Christmas poem (of your making or sharing your favorite well-known Christmas poem), favorite Christmas sweater/mug, DIY Christmas ideas, letter to Santa, Christmas themed destinations, etc., etc., etc. Look around online and you’ll see the list of possibilities quite literally goes on and on and on and on. . . .

Technically, when you participate in Blogmas most bloggers post a Christmas-themed post every single day of the month. It is their version of an Advent Calendar or a way of counting down to Christmas day!

However, in my opinion, you do not have to post every single day, yes it is fun and if you can do it, more power to you! However, if you want to participate but posting every single day seems daunting, post on your regular schedule and just switch it around to Christmas-themed.

Perhaps you’ve been thinking about what you want to do for Blogmas? I came across these wonderful blog posts two years ago by The Wild Hideaway and Lindsay that were super helpful for me and I think it can help you too! Be sure to check them out!

While their 100 ideas are indeed spectacular, here are five of my ideas just to get my fellow writers going!

  1. Some may suggest that you share your favorite Christmas poem, I encourage you to come up with and post your own Christmas poem!
  2. Some might suggest you share your favorite Christmas story, well how about you write your own? It can be a non-fiction memory of your own Christmas experiences. It can be flash fiction. It can be one line or it could be a novel!
  3. Your favorite Christmas Movie based on the book
  4. Favorite Christmas Mug
  5. What is something NEW that you will be doing this year for the Christmas season?


Who else will be participating in Blogmas? Do you have any ideas of what you plan to post about?

Keep a close eye on my blog in the next couple of days as I plan to host and release the information on my Annual Blogmas Contest!


© KaylaAnn and, 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KaylaAnn and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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