The Flexibility of Fairy Tales

The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats


Once upon a time, there was a household inhabited by a mother goat and her seven goat children. In the same forest, there lived an evil wolf. Now regardless of the fact that this wolf lives near by, the mother goat decides to go out into the woods and leave her children at home warning them to keep the door closed to everyone except for her. Through some trickery, the wolf ends up getting inside the house and gobbles up six of the goat children whole. He misses the seventh one though who is small enough to hide in the clock.

When the mother goat returns, she finds her house a mess and her children gone, all except one. Together the mother goat and the baby goat venture out into the forest and find the wolf fast asleep with the other goats still kicking and moving around in his stomach. Somehow the wolf remains asleep even while the mother goat cuts open his stomach and removes her children while the baby goat fills his stomach back up with rocks. After the mother goat stitches up the wolf’s stomach, the goat family hides and watches. The wolf awakens and goes to the well to get a drink. However, off balance from the stones, he falls into the well and drown. In other versions, the goats push him into the well.

They were so happy that they called their mother, and they all danced for joy around the well.”


The story itself is short, barely four pages long. However, whenever a wolf is involved you can bet that appetite (either physical hunger or sexual desire) is attached to the story.

The Obvious Moral – Obey your parents. This is an obvious moral running throughout Grimm fairy tales that were not meant to entertain children, but to scare them and keep them in line. If the goats had listened to their mother, they would not have been eaten. Of course, this is problematic as the goats do try to respect their mother’s orders. However, they are tricked by the wolf. So can we really blame them?

The Not-So Obvious Moral – Run from gluttony. As briefly mentioned earlier, wolves usually represent some kind of hunger. In this case, the wolf’s own gluttony causes his downfall. He was so hungry that he swallowed the goats whole. By swallowing them whole, the goats remain alive in his stomach which allows the mother goat to rescue them. Furthermore, having eaten too much, the wolf is lured into a deep slumber that also leads to his downfall.

Interestingly, the youngest goat survives the wolf’s attack. Why? Is it because he was smart enough to hide? Or small enough to escape notice? Not sure of the answer. What do you think of today’s selection?

31 thoughts on “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

  1. I like it, 😁
    I suppose that the wolf was hungry so he found a way to eat the goats and i guess that the tiny goat survived because he was hidden from the bad wolf.

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  2. I think momma goat should be ashamed of herself for leaving her kids alone when she knew an evil wolf lived nearby. Children are vulnerable and easily deceived or tricked. On the other hand, the gluttonous wolf should’ve taken his time and savored each morsel of two or three of the kids, enjoying his meal instead of “wolfing” it down. Shame on him for his bad manners, and I’ll bet he didn’t even leave a tip! Baby goat thought his siblings were playing “hide and seek” and there was no more room for him to hide with them inside the wolf. So, he hid in the clock hoping he wouldn’t be discovered. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I enjoy your re-telling of this story almost as much as I enjoy the original! It is always funny how parents just kind of wander off in fairy tales. Like, oh my children are super dumb and there is something they shouldn’t do or there is some danger nearby, but I’m gonna leave them alone anyway. Ha!
      Btw, I just finished the 500 words for today!

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  3. for a while i was thinking about a new blog series where i go through the poetry books i’m reading, i enjoyed reading your summary!
    that is a crazy story around what time was that written? i wasn’t sure what to expect especially not a goat sewing rocks back into the wolf’s stomach!

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    1. You totally should! Not only is it a great motivator for you to keep reading, but it helps you think about what you read.
      The Grimm brothers wrote their stories in the early 1800s, lol right? That goat has better domestic skills than I do.

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      1. LOL I actually just posted it! It’s “They All Wanted to Play Hamlet”. I hope it will help connect me to other readers that enjoy the same style too, never thought that it would become a motivator!
        ahaha i can’t keep track of my cat I couldn’t have a baby lol.

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  4. *knock knock*
    Wolf: “Come on now, open up goaties, I am a friend of yo momma’s”

    *Eldest Goat makes for the door after a small deliberation by the older kids*

    Baby Goat: “But Momma said not to open for no one but her!”

    Semi-Eldest Goat: “Oh shut up, what do you know?”

    Elder Goat: “Yeah, go sit in the clock, NOW”

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  5. The Grimm Brothers always wrote tales that went beyond a child’s mind. Originally, they wrote these stories during famine and harsh times. The era the lived while they wrote these tales was growing difficult.

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