Blogs / Life

200 Followers? Are you serious? Thank you!


And, before I forget, SERIOUSLY THANK YOU!

Image result for gif thank you

Almost two weeks ago I posted that I had received 100 followers and I was unsure if my growth would continue or plateau out. However, I have been blessed with another 100 followers!


Whether you are here for the Poetry Contest, for the Writing Tips, or my own experiences, I thank you sincerely from my heart for being here. I am constantly encouraged and motivated by your presence. I have met some incredible authors and bloggers on this site and seeing your posts every day strongly encourage my own journey.

Among the 200+, there are about 50 of you who I converse with on a regular basis (you know who you are). Thank you for

1. Supporting my blog

2. Encouraging me and leaving kind comments

3. Posting sensational blogs

4. Motivating me to keep up with your progress

5. Being great examples

6. Being truly engaging, wonderful human beings

I look forward to many more interactions with you and for many others! I hope that I can expand both my audience, but more importantly, my community! I try to pop in and view my reader daily and to check out everyone who I am following, but I’ll be honest, if you like/comment on one of my post, I’m more likely to pop in and look at your blog too.


I started this blog hoping to reach a hundred people (if any) as I have had no experience with blogs. This has been so eye-opening and encouraging.

Image result for gif may the odds

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And as always…

Happy Writing & and may the blogging odds be ever in your favor . . .

44 thoughts on “200 Followers? Are you serious? Thank you!”

      1. Aww thanks for asking girl but gosh work is draining me 😭 I can’t even find the time to write on my blog even if I have lots of ideas. How about you?

        Liked by 1 person

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